Masters Training International is the parent company of MTI Group and the leader in the corporate training sector. It continues to be the most important development supporter of organizations from all sectors with its extensive training projects and the most experienced exclusive trainer-consultant staff.
Masters Management is active in individual coaching, team coaching, mentoring, and strategic consultancy, as well as providing leadership and management trainings of different duration and modular-stage in development projects for the first, middle and senior management levels of organizations.
Pmetrica Assessment Center offers online personality and competency inventories, aptitude tests, measurement and evaluation tools in the fields of assessment and evaluation. In addition, Assessment Center projects are carried out within the framework of selection, placement, appointment, promotion and other HR-based needs of companies.
Masters Interactive Simulations offers highly effective and unrivaled short-term simulations that provide an interactive "learning by experiencing" in large groups. Each of the programs provides a different learning experience by conveying unique messages with different scenarios. Programs have also have an important motivational and entertaining potential.
Masist HR is the HR specialist organization of the group. Under a new identity structure, in addition to the services and extensive experience in the field of HR by different units within the group for nearly 20 years, versatile HR consultancy and comprehensive HR services have been provided with newly joined expertise.
MTI School offers online modular training programs in different fields with a large selection of course topics. By taking advantage of the flexibility brought by the online environment, an important opportunity is created for training and development on both corporate and individual basis.

The first steps were taken 25 years ago...
Masters Training International, started its operations in Turkey at the end of 1999; founders were the most experienced corporate trainers, coaches and business consultants in the sector. On the basis of its establishment, it has adopted as a vision to be an international corporate training and development brand that will not only be active in the country but also in the nearby geography.
Shortly after its establishment, Masters Training International collaborated with various international corporate training organizations in line with its vision, and started to take part in training projects in different countries.
Within the framework of its growing staff and diversified comprehensive projects, arrangements were needed in the organizational structure within the first year of its establishment and the service structure was diversified with units specialized in their fields; Within this framework, Rubicon, Mastersfarma, Maskot and then Masist continued to work with their own organization and staff as sub-companies. MTI Group was established at the end of 2000 as a parent management to ensure coordination between units with its expanding range of action.
MTI Group prioritized dynamic and flexible structuring within the framework of the changing and differentiating needs of the economic conjuncture and sectors, and made adjustments in the companies, units and services affiliated to the group, thus keeping the efficiency and service quality at the highest level. At the point reached today, the units serving in six main areas that complement each other within the MTI Group and contribute to the development of companies and organizations from every sector.
MTI Group has been able to expand its borders not only in Turkey, but also in 14 different countries by carrying out projects in different languages. MTI Group pioneers the up-to-date reflection with its ongoing relationships with foreign corporate training, development and consultancy companies.
Our Vision...
To be the first preferred institution in the sector with the service quality and results it offers to companies and individuals, with an international impact and reputation by creating brand value as a whole with its affiliates ...
Our Mission...
Creating and developing industry standards and provide services to companies for continuous improvement, shaping perspective and adding value...
Our Prenciples
We speak the truth.
Our priority is our customers.
We embrace our responsibilities.
We aim for development.
We keep our values alive.
Our Values
We strive to get to know ourselves, we develop our awareness.
We do not delay having fun, we do our job with fun, we enjoy, we give pleasure.
We value everyone, everything ... and we know how to listen.
We dedicate ourselves to what we do ... we know 'good' and 'sufficient' are the enemies of perfection.
We approach with a positive attitude ... trust, excitement, patience, joy, tolerance, desire ...